Cha Cha has been shopping?
We checked, not our receipt.
Wonder how good her credit is...

Some nasty plastic.
Maybe straw wrapper?

Looks like a feminine hygiene 
product wrapper but it isn't. 
Some kind of plastic off a bottle
 of something.

Bubble wrap. 

Who knew cats would 
enjoy it as much as
 humans do?

Cha Cha "called" to us two 
different times but didn't come
 to her usual place. She was 
standing in front of the stick 
but the "dum dum's" wrapper 
was next to it. 
It's anyone's guess...

Here is a random piece of plastic. 

Soggy piece of wood. 

We've had a lot of wind and rain. 
Guess she's getting a head start 
on storm clean up.