Nice and nearly clean napkin. Yes, those are her teeth marks in it.

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    Ricë said...

    love this! we had a mother cat who brought her kittens to live here, and we fed them well and took care of them all. but she still felt she needed to go out and forage. she was tiny, but she'd bring whole shiskabobs, half a hamburger, sandwiches--some of it probably from people's trash, but other stuff that looked like she took it off the grill. she and the kittens never ate any of it--they had plenty of food here (and her kittens are now 5 years old and "supposed" to be on a diet). cats are funny. and so very cool. thanks for this!

  1. ... on Oct 26, 2009, 6:58:00 PM  
  2. Jennifer Mehlman said...

    Hmm... maybe it's time to purchase some nicotine patches for Cha-Cha's cigarette wrapper "gifts". She might be sneaking a few outside without you knowing about it.

  3. ... on Nov 3, 2009, 7:43:00 PM  
  4. flightsoup said...

    A "grill thief"! That is awesome!

    We are thinking of the patch for Cha Cha but haven't figured out where to attach it on her. She's a bit furry and she'd probably bring it back to us. :-)

  5. ... on Nov 4, 2009, 6:24:00 AM